The Foothills Young Marines allows boys and girls (starting at 8 years-old) to join our unit and attend one of our recruit trainings throughout the year. After recruit training, the Young Marine will be allowed to join into the unit for all Drill Days, Event & Activities. To learn more about joining, read below and fill out our interest form to have a member of our Adult Volunteer Staff to contact you.
join the foothills young marines
The Foothills Young Marines is one of the oldest Young Marines Units in the country. We have transformed the lives of 1,000's of young adults throughout our years and plan to continue doing so into the future. Foothills Young Marines was the Unit of the Year for our Division in 2024 and a runner up for the National Unit of the Year, in additional to our many other awards and commendations received over the years.
These recognitions are due to our commitment to the kids in the unit, the hard work of our Adult-Volunteers and dedication to our community as a whole. Why not join us?
What Age Is Required To Join?The Young Marines program allows those from 8 years-old to 18 years-old (or until HS graduation - whichever is later) to join. We encourage all ages, within this age group, to join. We have found that the sooner one joins, the more they get out of the program.
Can I pay by credit card or check?We try to make it as easy as possible for families to pay any associated fees with being in the Foothills Young Marines. Currently we accept cash, checks and Zelle Payments.
Is this a military recruiting program?No! We are not a military recruiting program. The Young Marines is based on a Marine Corps style program with Marine Corps organization, ranks, jargon, and other related styles...however, it is not a recruiting tool. Some Young Marines go on to join the military in various branches, many do not.
Is this a bootcamp program?No, and Yes. We are not a program that focuses on fixing bad behavior, however, yes we do have a bootcamp at the beginning called "Recruit Training". Through the program, Young Marines learn self-discipline, teamwork, leadership and many other important life skills. We see a change in character, behavior and responsibilities as the Young Marine grows in the program.
How often do you meet?The Foothills Young Marines typically meets every other Saturday at our host school, Pinnacle High School. Throughout the year, we have events and activities the Young Marines participate in, such as; Parades, Color Guards, Memorial Events, Community Service and more.
Is there a cost to join?The Foothills Young Marines is a non-profit program that generates most of its money from sponsors, donations, and fundraising. There is still a small cost to the families who join the program. Initial Cost - there is an initial cost to help cover the cost of training materials, uniforms and so on. Renewal - there is an annual cost, starting year two, to help cover costs for use of space and insurance and other operational costs. To learn more, please contact us with a membership interest form.
Do you offer scholarships?From time to time, the Foothills Young Marines Unit has access to scholarships from various sponsors and organizations we partner with. To inquire about sponsorships, contact us.
What forms of payment can you takeFoothills Young Marines tries to make paying associated fees as easy as possible for families. Currently we accept cash, checks and Zelle payments.